Log Management

Log Explorer


Users can navigate to the Log Explorer by clicking on the Logs tab on the left menu bar of the main dashboard.

The Log Explorer indexes and stores logs for all the synced services and applications. It is equipped with features such as Full-Text Logs Search and Saved Queries that allow developers to find relevant logs within seconds. It also displays JSON logs in a readable format to help developers debug their logs quickly and effectively.

Log Explorer Walkthrough

The Log Explorer displays a graph and a list of all the retrieved logs for all your synced services. Each row in the list represents an individual logline and displays some basic information about it.

The graph represents the log volume where the X-axis denotes the timeframe and the Y-axis denotes the log count.

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Click on any log to analyze it in more detail.

Searching and Filtering Logs


You can use the search bar located at the top of the logs explorer to contextually search and find your logs.

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Narrow down the results further by date and time range, using the time scale menu located at the top left corner.


You can use the filters available within the sidebar menu to filter the list of logs. For further refined filtering, there are multiple filters for use in a combination at once.

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You can also use the 'Saved Queries' icon located on the top right corner of the sidebar menu to save the filters that you have previously used, for future use.

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They will be saved as queries and can be accessed by clicking on the Saved Queries section, as shown below:

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Pro tip: Add folders to keep your queries organized.

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