Creating a Dashboard

Logs List Panel


The logs list panel displays a list of logs generated for the selected timeframe. The list can be filtered based on the different attributes available. User can decide which columns they want to see from their logs

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General Settings

  • PANEL: Provide a name, and description for your panel.
  • COLUMN: You can rename the column heading of the table and modify the data format. The data in the resultant table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrow next to the table's column headers.
  • TIME RANGE SETTINGS: Access time range settings for panels by clicking on Panel Settings > Time Range. Time Range Settings allow you to perform the following:
    • Override Dashboard Time Range - Individual panels can use their own time range configuration. You can use it to override the dashboard time range by enabling Override dashboard time range.
    • Time Shift - Shift a panel's start and end time by specifying a time shift expression. It supports the following:
      • Operators:
        • -: Subtract time (Required)
      • Units: Same units as Dashboard time range expressions.