OpenTelemetry Support
Service Integration Guides
Server Metrics to KloudMate

Server Metrics to KloudMate Using Prometheus Node Exporter


This document provides a guide on how to send metrics from Amazon EC2 instances/ Azure VMs / on-premise servers to KloudMate using Prometheus Node Exporter and OpenTelemetry Collector

In the described setup, the Node Exporter is responsible for exposing a diverse range of metrics related to hardware and the kernel. Its role involves exporting these metrics, which can then be collected and sent to the KloudMate backend through the OpenTelemetry collector.

Node Exporter Configuration for Linux distributions

Step 1: Prerequisites:

  • Ensure that port 9100 is open and accessible for the successful export of metrics.
  • Verify if there are any additional layers of security, such as an application layer firewall, in place.

Step 2: Configure Node Exporter for Linux Distributions

  • Use the following command to download and extract the Node Exporter.

  • Add user as node-exporter and create a service to run.


  • Enable and start the exporter to send node metrics to the backend.

  • Verify whether that the metrics are being successfully exported.

Node Exporter for Windows server

Step 1: Prerequisites:

  • Ensure that port 9182 is open and accessible for the successful export of metrics.

Step 2: Download the latest release of Windows Exporter from GitHub 


  • Install the downloaded file on your Windows server by double-clicking on it and following the installation prompts.
  • Once the installation is complete, the Windows node exporter will be automatically added and started as a service.
  • To test the Windows node exporter, open a web browser and enter <public IP>:9182in the address bar. Replace <public IP>with the actual public IP address of your Windows server. This will browse the exposed metrics on port 9182.

Please note that the instructions assume that the installation process is straightforward and does not require any additional configuration steps.

After the metrics are successfully exported, the OpenTelemetry collector is responsible for gathering the metrics and transmitting them to KloudMate for further analysis and processing.

OpenTelemetry Configuration to send metrics to KloudMate

Step 1: Add the node exporter path as target under Prometheus receiver


Step 2: Configure the exporter of the OpenTelemetry collector to connect to KloudMate.



Step 3: Execute the provided command to restart and verify the status of the OpenTelemetry (Otel) Collector. Subsequently, monitor metrics on the KloudMate dashboard. Additionally, configure an alarm in KloudMate to receive notifications when CPU utilization for a specific application rises.
