Service Map
The Service Map module is a visual representation of the relationships and interdependencies between all the services/components of your application or architecture. It is generated by capturing each individual trace in your workspace and combining them into a holistic view of the entire architecture.
You can use the service map to understand the topology, dependencies, and operational status of all your application services spanning across your workspace.
Click on the Service Map icon to navigate to the Service Map of your respective workspace.
This screen displays the service map of all the services/components spanning across your workspace. Each service/component is represented by a node on the map. The dependencies between the services are represented using moving link lines that also depict the direction of the dependency through arrowheads.
For a quick review, you can hover the cursor over the nodes and the link lines between them to display some basic information about them.
You can also click on any node to view additional performance metrics focussed on that particular service.
To help you identify operational issues and errors through the service map, the problematic nodes and link lines are displayed in red color in the map. You can hover on such nodes or link lines to view the error percentage or click on the node to analyze the error in-depth.
You can add filters to narrow down the map to view only some selected services/components.
Note that only the filters with filter prefix either source or target can be used in the Service Map.
At the bottom right corner of your service map, you also get options such as zoom in, zoom out, fit view, and full screen.