Alarm Report
An Alarm Report provides detailed statistics about a single alarm or a group of alarms, helping you track their performance and state changes over a selected time range.

Key Details in the Alarm Report:
- Name: The name of the alarm for which the report is generated.
- Current State: The state of the alarm at the time of report generation.
- Outages: The total number of times the alarm was triggered during the selected time range.
- Outage Duration: The cumulative duration of the alarm remained in an alerting state within the selected time range.
- Uptime: The total time the alarm remained in a normal state within the selected time range.
- MTTR (Mean Time to Resolution): The average time taken to resolve the alarm and restore it to a normal state from alerting state.
- SLA Target: The SLA (Service Level Agreement) target set by the user, expressed as a percentage.
- SLA Achieved: SLA Achieved is counted as a percentage by calculating the total time the alarm was in a normal state during the selected time range.
- SLA Status:
- Success: When the SLA achieved exceeds or equals the SLA target.
- Failed: When the SLA achieved is below the SLA target.
SLA targets for alarms can be configured on the Alarm Configuration page.
The State History of individual alarms is also available in the Alarm Report. This section provides a detailed timeline of the alarm's state changes, allowing you to track performance trends over time.

State history data can be downloaded only in XLSX format.