Create Report
Users can create a report from the Reports Overview page.
- Time Range: Duration of the report (You can also select the different time zones for which you want to generate the report)
- Report Format: The format that your report has to be generated i.e. pdf or xlsx

Scheduling a report is optional. You can disable the Active toggle if scheduling is not required.
Users can choose between two scheduling options:
A. Fixed Report Users can use a fixed report to send a report once at a particular date and time
- Select Date: Choose the exact date for the report.
- Select Time: Specify the time that the report should be sent.
- Select Timezone: Set the timezone for the selected time.

B. Recurring Report Users can use the recurring condition to automatically generate reports at a selected interval and send them to the respective person(s).
- Frequency: Users can select the frequency at which the reports need to be generated:
- Daily: For daily reports, the user must choose the time of the day they want the report to be sent.
- Weekly: For weekly reports, the user must select the day of the week and the time they want the report to be sent.
- Monthly: For monthly reports, the user must select the date of the month and the time they want the report to be sent.
- Select Timezone: Set the timezone for the selected time.

Use the checkbox 'Send report immediately after saving' to send the report instantly to the selected recipient.
Users can select the recipient from the dropdown to whom they want to send the report.
The recipient list includes all the email channels created in KloudMate's notification channel.

- Name: This is the title given to the report, which will appear on the report overview page.
- Description: This is the detailed summary that elaborates on the report's purpose, providing context for users who view it on the report overview page.