Deleting Your AWS Account from KloudMate
You can delete your linked AWS account from the Data Sources screen within KloudMate. Note that only the users with the Owner level permissions can delete their KloudMate account(s) and remove the CloudFormation stack from their AWS account.
Use the following steps to delete your AWS account from KloudMate and it's recpective CloudFormation stack:
- From the main dashboard, navigate to Setting > Data Sources

- You will see a list of all the connected AWS Accounts on the Data Sources screen

- Click on the Edit button of the AWS account that you want to delete. You will be taken to the Account Details screen

- On the Account Details screen, click on the Detele Account button
Note that you are required to delete your KloudMate AWS account before removing the KloudMate's CloudFormation Stack from your AWS account.
- Login to the AWS Console in a new tab, select the region where the CloudFormation stack was created while setting up your KloudMate account
- Navigate to the CloudFormation Stacks Page on the AWS Console
- Select the stack named kloudmate-delegation and click on the Delete button