Profile & Security
The profile & security screen is where users can manage their user profile settings, such as the name associated with the KloudMate account, password, and more. KloudMate also supports Multi-factor authentication (MFA) activation for KloudMate accounts, allowing users to add an extra layer of security in addition to their login email-id and password. The MFA settings are also accessed in the profile & security screen. In this section, users can do the following:
- Change the name
- Change the password
- Enable or disable MFA
- Navigate to the profile & security screen, by clicking on Setting > Profile & Security.

Changing name and password in KloudMate
- To change the name associated with your KloudMate account, enter the new name in the Name field and click on the Save Changes button.
- To change the password for your KloudMate account, enter the current and new password in their respective fields and click on the Save Changes button.
- Navigate to the profile & security screen, by clicking on Setting > Profile & Security.
- Toggle the button under the Authentication section to enable multi-factor authentication for your account.
- Install an authenticator app in your mobile device and follow the on-screen instructions.

Enabling MFA in KloudMate
- You'll be provided with an MFA recovery secret. It can be used if you no longer have access to the device with the authenticator app.

Enabling MFA in KloudMate
- The next time you login, you'll be taken to a second sign in page after logging in with your password. You have to enter the MFA code here which will be displayed in the authenticator app.
- To disable MFA for your account, navigate to the profile & security screen and click on the Disable MFA button under the Authentication Section.

Disabling MFA in KloudMate
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