

Explore is a dedicated section in KloudMate where you can quickly surf through and explore your data using queries. It doesn't require you to create and save a dashboard in order to visualize your data in a graph or table format, which lets you focus on just the query.

Note that while Explore section does not require you to create a dashboard, it does allow it. Find more about this later on in the document.

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Explore Walkthrough

1. To start exploring, navigate to the Explore section from the home screen.

2. An empty and untitled panel will open. You can use Settings to provide a name and description for the panel. You can also configure other settings for the panel using the general or override settings options.

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Multiple panels can be added using the add icon next to the panel name on the top left corner of the screen.

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3. Set up a query using the options available in the query editor. You can add multiple queries and expressions using the Add Query and Add Expression buttons.

For more information about how to set up queries, refer to Setting Up Queries for Alarms for specific guidelines.

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4. Click on the Run Query button to see the visualized query result in the panel.

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5. Set up an expression , choose from Math expression, Reduce, or Condition expression options.

For more information about expression, refer to Expression Operations for specific guidelines.

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6. Click on the Run Queries button to see the visualized query result in the panel.

7. You can use the Save To Dashboard button on the top right corner to save your set of queries and expressions to an existing dashboard or create a new one.

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8. The saved dashboard can be accessed in the dashboards section.

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