Incident Management

Creating an Incident


Use the following steps to create a new incident.

Step 1: Navigate to the Incident screen by clicking on Incident Management > Incident.

Step 2: Click on the Create Incident button located at the top right corner of the screen.

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Step 3: On the next page, enter the incident title and details. Use the dropdown to select the severity of your incident.

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Step 4: Attach an integration of a Service the Incident belongs to

Step 5: Add an Escalation policy to your incident, if you dont want to use the selected Integration's escalation policy

  • Note that selecting an integration is mandatory to create an incident. If you don't have any existing integration that you want to use then you will be required to create a new integration first.
  • If you don't select an escalation policy for your incident then the escalation policy of the selected integration will be applied to the incident.

Step 6: Click on the Create button.

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Step 6: Your incident will be created and displayed in the Incidents Overview screen.

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