Incident Management
Incident Details
You can click on any particular incident listed on the Incidents Overview screen to learn more about it. You will be directed to the Incident Details screen.

This screen provides detailed information about the selected incident. You can see the responders of the incident, the attached service, integrations, and the escalation policy of the incident.
In addition to the above-mentioned information about an incident you can also review its:
- Status: The current status of the incident
- Severity: The severity of the incident
- Suppressed count: The number of times the incident was auto-resolved
- Occurrence count: The number of times the incident occurred
- Triggered At: The time when the incident was first triggered
- Acknowledged At: The time when the incident was first acknowledged
- Resolved At: The time when the incident was resolved
- Time to resolve: The time taken to resolve the incident
- Incident Summary: The description of the incident
This screen also lets you:
- Add notes to your incident
- Track who has interacted with the incident throughout its lifecycle using logs
- Review alarms that are attached to the incident

You can also update the status of the incident from this screen using the status button located at the top right corner of the screen.