Integrating with KloudMate Alarms
In order to send the alerts to your Incident Management Integrations, you will have to configure and attach a webhook notification channel to your integration. Further, you will have to configure a notification policy for your notification channel.
A notification channel is where the notification will be sent, while the notification policy defines which incidents you will be notified for on the said notification channel.
Use the following steps to receive notifications for your integrations through KloudMate Alarms:
Step 1: Navigate to the Integrations screen. Click on the integration created with Type: kloudmate alarm. You will be directed to the integration details screen.
Step 2: Copy the integration URL for your integration from this screen.

Refer to Adding Integrations to learn how to add integrations.
Step 3: Navigate to the Notification Channels screen by clicking on the Settings icon in the left menu bar then click on the Notifications Channels tab.

Step 4: Click on the Create button located at the top right corner of the screen.
Step 5: On the next screen, select Webhook from the dropdown menu as the notification channel in the first field.

Step 6: Enter webhook name, paste the integration URL you copied in Step 2, and then click on the Submit button.

Step 7: You will see your webhook notification channel listed in the Notification Channels screen.

Step 8: Click on the Notification Policies tab on the left bar menu and navigate to the Notification Policies screen.

Step 9: Click on the Create button located at the top right corner of the screen.
Step 10: On the next screen, enter the Policy name, and select the notification channel that you have created in previous steps.

Step 11: Click on the Add condition button and select Alarm

Step 12: From the dropdown menu select the alarm(s) that you want to send to your webhook integration.
- You can also add tags mentioned in your Alarms to send alerts to this Notification policy
Note that you can add multiple conditions in a single notification policy.
Step 12: After adding conditions, click on the Save Policy button.

Once Saved, alerts from this Notification policy will be sent to the respective Incident Management Integration and notify the member(s) of the corresponding Escalation policy.